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Scanned copy, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections - my comments are at the end, click on the highlighted text to go to specific comments, which will have numbers in brackets e.g., {1}

- Page above -

Ministry of Natural Resources - Greater Toronto Area District, Maple - 10401 Dufferin Street, PO Box 7400 - Maple, Ontario L6A 1S9

FAX Cover Sheet - Date: Nov 12/93 - Number of Pages: 2 - (including this page)

Priority: NOW: - TODAY: ( X ) AFTERHOURS:

Sender Name: Doris Krahn {1} - Sender Telephone Number: (416) 823-7287

TO: Fax Number (905) 615-3098
Name of Person: Grant Walton
Organization: City of Mississauga
Comments / Instructions: For your records. Thanks for the field work Doris.

(side notes): Plants to be seeded in Woodlot. Dogwood, Grey Dogwood, Buttonbush, Witch Hazel, Redbud, Viburnums, Elder.

Trees: WPN - White Pine, He - Hemlock, Ow - White Oak, Ob - Bur Oak, Ab - Black Oak

end page 1


OWNERSHIP: CROWN ( ) AG. FOR ( ) WIA ( ) ASA ( ) PLF EXT ( X ) {2}


OWNER'S NAME: City of Mississauga {3}
PROPERTY NAME: Cawthra Park.
ADDRESS: Parks Mississauga, 3235 Mavis Rd., Miss. L5C 1T7
AREA/COMP. #: SE Corner QEW & Cawthra Rd.
PHONE : (HOME) N/A (BUS) 896-5384
AERIAL PHOTO # : 4340 # 269
ACCESS DIRECTIONS: Driveway off Cawthra to renovated conference building.


LONG TERM: To work toward attaining a regulated high quality hwd stand {4} with a sustained increase regeneration, yield of 10 - 15 yrs, and growth of high quality hwds through a commercial cut & stand improvement cut {5} - using selection system. {6}





REGENERATION NOTES: Good regen. in extreme North & South sections of woodlot. {8}

STAND AREA (ha): 26 ha
AGE: 80
HEIGHT (m): 25

STAND QUALITY NOTES: Stand in general has average quality; Black cherry is especially poor.

SITE: (X) {9}
TOPOGRAPHY: Relatively flat.

TREES SIZE (cm)............4-10....12-28......30-36......38-48......50-60......62+......TOTAL
ACTUAL BA m2/ha..........0.4.......6.0.....15.3......10.7......2.7......1.1......37.1


IRM CONSIDERATIONS: Retain an average of 2 den trees {11} / ha and a combination of ironwood, cherry & basswood for wildlife food i.e.. berries.

TREATMENT GUIDELINES: Mark all trees over 60 cm dia. {12} except trees req'd for wildlife or occasional unique trees for aesthetic/historical value.

Mark heavy in 26-48'cm dia. classes as per recommended BA to be cut.

Mark lighter in wet areas {13} and along edges especially at what will be new edge on East side after MOE clear cuts their right of way as marked with orange dots.

Mark to improve spacing and ensuring thinning from above. Species priority is Mh, Aw, Os, Cb, & other hardwoods. {14}

Mark around parking lots areas only under direction of City forester.



.........................ACTUAL BA m2/ha..........BA TO BE CUT.............. RES
...........................AGS {16}.....UGS {17} ....TOTAL......AGS.....UGS....TOTAL
4-10....................... .0.....0.4....0.4 .0 .0 .0 0.4

12-28 4.0 2.9 6.9 .0 0.9 0.9 6.0

30-36 14.2 1.1 15.3 5.0 1.1 6.1 9.2

38-48 9.6 1.1 10.7 2.6 1.1 3.7 7.0

50-60 2.7 .0 2.7 .0 .0 .0 0.0

62+ 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5

TOTAL 31.2 5.9 37.1 6.8 3.5 11.3 25.8

APPROVED BY: D. Krahn {18}
DATE: Nov. 12/93 DATE: Nov. 12/93

End of their Fax.

It will make a difference!
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[ Comments by Don B. - This document was gained by the Freedom of Information Act.

{1}.  Doris Krahn is a forester not a Biologist and the ANSI biologists were not called in to comment on this so the wrong cutting "prescription" was used. - BACK

{2}. PLF EXT. Private Land Forestry - under Forestry Advisory Services Program (or known to MNR staff as Extension services). - BACK -

{3}.  FALSE! The top third of the Cawthra Bush was owned by the Ontario government. The City of Mississauga got the Ministry of Natural Resources aid the logging of Ontario land, without informing the appropriate Ministry of its intentions before hand. The City should have told the truth but then that would have got in the way of its plans wouldn't it have? - BACK -

{4}.  This is tree farming, high quality trees harvested on a schedule. Remember what happens at the Cawthra Bush will be applied across the City of mississauga, it is not just Cawthra that is at risk. It notes a sustained yield of lumber but not where is the ecosystem talked about. Something else residents found very disagreeable was the idea their wild forest would be filled with eyesore stumps all the time. As it takes longer then ten years for a stump to disappear. Hwd - Hardwood.

Most of the trees cut at Cawthra were to be sold as firewood, that is right your parks cut up for fire wood. The High quality referres to the desire that forest produce "saw log" trees. Trees that grow straight and have few (from a foresters point of view), defects that would lower their value. Again tree farming.

A forest is healthiest when it recycles everything. Any farmer or gardener will tell you that if you keep removing from an area where plants are growing, the soil will lose ability to provide nutrients to plants and they will no longer be able to grow. Not very ecosystem minded, is it? - BACK -

{5}.  The City has even in writing said "The work done in the Cawthra Bush in 1994 was not, in any way, a "commercial cut." In fact, the work was carried out as part of an urban forest management program emplaced to ensure long term viability of the Cawthra Woodlot." - June 7/1994 - Don Mills, Acting Commissioner - Community Services dept. - City of Mississauga. residents have the choice of believing the City of Mississauga or Donald Barber, who do you think is more trust worthy and factual? The idea of stand improvement is again a forestry way of looking at a forest like a farmer looks a field of corn. - BACK -

{6}.  Selective Cutting. The cutting of individual selected trees. There are generally few if any control measures. Also known as high-grading. - BACK -

{7}.  Mh - Maple hard (Sugar Maple, Red Maple).
Aw - Ash, white.
Cb - Cherry, black.
Ms - Maple soft (Manitoba Maple, Silver Maple).
Bd - Basswood.
Be - Beech.
Os - ?
- BACK -

{8}.  City staff have said the Cawthra Bush was logged out in the 1920's. The reason for this story is to get people to believe Cawthra is nothing special its trees were cut down and it is not original; therefore low quality not as environmentally significant. In fact this is not true, interviews with residents who witnessed events make it clear the forest was never clear cut. The large "marketable" trees were removed and the smaller ones left. The forest was not replanted, what grew back is from the original old-growth/wetlands forest. The bottom third was not cut at all, the trees there are part of a forest system that goes back to the ice age. The human impact is just people walking through.

Just to make a comment in the bigger picture about a sucker play that is often pulled and people fall for hook, line and sinker. A forest is cut down, oh well have to build on it now, as it is dead. WRONG! A forest is not just the trees, it is a whole ecosystem that for hundreds of millions of years has had the ability to grow back after, fire and other natural disasters. If a developer cuts down a forest then says it is dead, they are lying. Leave it alone and it will grow back. Leave it allow and it will become old-growth. Mankind was not created, to invent the chainsaw as forests couldn't manage on their own.
- BACK -

{9}. SITE. The X beside site means that this is a very productive site as per the Forest Resources Inventory done in 1978. That is to say the site is better than the other classes 1, 2, 3. The site index, (SI), a measure of site class based upon the height of the dominant trees in a stand at an arbitrary chosen age, most commonly 50 years. - BACK -

{10}.  Basal area or the cross sectional area of a stem at breast height.
- BACK -

{11}.  "Retain" from cutting them down. One of the old-growth features is dead standing trees that are used for wildlife and the more the better. In fact 2 den trees/ha is a guideline in creating den trees from living trees I have yet to see a guide line for cutting down den trees to limit wildlife. By limiting den trees, you limit the wildlife, wildlife is an contributor to environmental significance. - BACK -

{12}.  Cut down almost all of the old trees, a sure fire way to keep your forest from having trees over 100 years! The City is taking decisive action to ensure Cawthra and woodlands throughout Mississauga will have their mature trees removed and the younger ones will not become fully mature.

Most people believe the forest has to have mostly trees over 100 years to be old-growth and would view our forests that way. The City is spending at lot of time and money to make sure natural areas will not have environmentally significant features in them. Features that could limit future development.     - BACK -

{13}.  They should not have cut in or around wet areas at all. In general cutting trees down will open the forest canopy, which will let moisture escape, drying up the forest. A mature, old-growth ecosystem is a wet ecosystem, remove the moisture and you degrade the whole ecosystem lowering its environmental significance. The City has expressed interest in turning the Cawthra Bush into just another park and destroying the wetlands is the first step. - BACK -

{14}.  Again the elements of tree farming. Space the trees out so they grow straight and true. To increase the number of saw logs which have a higher dollar value the firewood. Also trees with priority are the ones with the highest commercial value, not ecological value. - BACK -

{15}.  Far too soon and after we brought to everyone's attention how environmental significant the Cawthra Bush is, the Ministry of Natural Resources change the cutting "prescription" for Cawthra. Proof they didn't get it right the first time. - BACK -

{16}.  AGS. Acceptable Growing Stock. trees of intermediate crown class or better are permitted in this class. - BACK -

{17}.  UGS. Unacceptable Growing Stock. trees that do not meet the A.G.S. criteria, including trees which are fuelwood trees (i.e., less than one-third of total gross volume of the stem is merchantable volume for sawlog material), are totally suppressed, exhibit poor form or vigour, or are of high risk. High risk trees are those judged to be more likely to deteriorate then improve over the next 10-20 years due to excessive lean, damaged tops, internal decay, poor form, or die back in the crown. - BACK -

{18}.  Prepared & approved by the same person. Don't not see an ecologist involved. - BACK -- ]

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